Balancing social media with "real work"

Where is the line between being a smart business leader and getting too wrapped up in social media marketing? It can be hard to focus on the things that really matter for your business, while giving it that extra support with social media. Here are 7 non-overwhelming ways to walk the fine line between social media and "real work".

  1. Focus on doing social media marketing that works for YOU! There is no one-size-fits-all formula.
  2. Have a plan and a vision. Set goals for your social media and check when you reach those goals.
  3. Know your community and what they are looking for.
  4. Don't over think every post you make.
  5. Hear more than just the sound of your typing. What I mean is listen to what others are saying about your business or within your industry. You have to hear the conversation in order to respond and be a part of the conversation.
  6. Use tools like TweetDeck, Hootsuite and to manage and schedule posts.
  7. Social media shouldn't take the place of other marketing and networking efforts.
Probably one of the most important things to remember about social media is to relax and enjoy community to your audience. 

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