Last month I talked about how we can humanize our email marketing to sound less like a robot and more like you. It's just as important to do the same on Twitter and all other online platforms. Sounding too automated gives the impression that there isn't a real person behind your Twitter profile and could seem spammy. Letting your personal voice shine through helps you develop trust with your audience, connect easier with their experiences and allows you to be approachable. Being human with your brand's marketing keeps the social media conversation going and that's what we want!
To get more out of your tweets, try to:
1) Get to know your audience and their needs. What are their concerns and objectives? How do they talk and what kind of terminology do they use? Become a thought leader by addressing their needs with specific links to your website which provide solutions.
2) Tweet relevant content. It's not just about you on social media. You have to tweet about what's relevant to your industry. This kind of content is more likely to increase reach, influence and lead generation. Choose content that is high-quality and that won't overload your audience by being too technical.
3) Listen. Listen. Listen. Avoid using Twitter as a loud one-way conversation about yourself. Take time to hear what others saying about your brand, your industry and what questions they are asking. Using social media monitoring tools can be very helpful for knowing what people are talking about and what hashtags they are using.
4) Host a Twitter party. The place: Twitter. The time: you name it and let your audience know you'll be immediately available to answer questions and take suggestions during a certain timeframe. What a great way to make new connections, find new info and increase your brand awareness.
5) Remember, be yourself! There's only one your and there's only one of your brand, so don't be afraid to standout and be unique.
Source: Social Media Today
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